Tool Settings

The Select Similar Options provides a few settings to customize how the tool is searching for objects and components.
The default settings should work fine in most cases.

Select Similar Settings

  • Similarity Tolerance: Defines how close the objects must match to be considered similar. The higher the tolerance, the higher the chances for mistakes.
  • Search Method: Local is the fastest method, it checks that the object size and vertex count match. Component is the strictest, and will only find a match if both objects components are completely identical. Topology will check that both objects topology matches.
  • Ignore Instances: For instanced objects, only the root object will be kept in the selection and not the instances.
  • Ignore Hidden Objects / Layers: Will ignore hidden objects and only select the ones that are visible.
  • Isolate Mode: Isolated Objects Only: When in isolate mode, it will only look for similar objects that are currently isolated and ignore the others.

Components Settings

  • Operation: Match will only propagate the selected component to the other similar objects. Select Similar will propagate the selection and then check for components that are similar to the ones selected.
  • Match By: Indices will match the selected components simply by checking which components ids are selected and transferring them to the similar objects. Topology is slower and will transfer the selected components by using the topology of the object to the similar objects. Matching by topology only works with faces components.
  • Sample Space: Space in which the components are transferred in Topology mode.
  • Ignore Transformations: Will ignore transformations when transferring the selected components.