
The Normal Toolkit help you manage the vertex normals of polygon meshes.

Among other things, it allows to align the vertex normals of your objects based on a selection set (Face Weighted Normals). You can also directly add bevels on your objects with an improved bevel that correctly weight vertex normals automatically.

Furthermore, the Normal Toolkit allows to easily transfer vertex normals from an object to a selection of components.

Tool Features

Face Weighted Normals

Add your beveled faces to the Normal Toolkit and use the Process Normals to re-align your vertex normals correctly and improve the shading on your polygon meshes.

Face Weighted Bevel

Called the Smart Bevel, this improved bevel operation keeps the vertex normals aligned correctly while beveling which allows to instantly have an accurate shading on your polygon meshes.

Transfer vertex normals

Set a source object and transfer their vertex normals to your selection without breaking your object’s soft/hard edges.

Weighted Hard Edge Intersections

Correctly weight two parallel bevels with a hard edged intersection between them.

  • Take a look at the Tool Demo page or at the Usage documentation for the complete list of features.

Tool Location

The tool can be found in the GENtools menu under Mesh Tools → Normal Toolkit.