Tool Settings

Settings Menu #

The Placement Tool settings menu is where all the customizable parameters for the Placement Tool are located.

To open the Placement Tool settings menu, press T on your keyboard while the tool is active. Press T again to close it.
You can click and drag on the middle circle to move the settings menu on your screen.

  • Most of the Placement Tool settings have binded hotkeys for quick access, you can check them out in the Hotkey List.

Show Outline #

If you activate this option, an outline will be displayed around your selected object(s) whenever you are holding your MMB to use one of the Placement modes.

  • Be careful, this option can have an impact on your Maya or your viewport performances if you select heavy object(s) and / or a large number of objects at the same time.

Show Wireframe #

If you activate this option, wireframe will be displayed on top of your selected object(s) whenever you are holding your MMB to use one of the Placement modes.

  • Be careful, this option can have an impact on your Maya or your viewport performances if you select heavy object(s) and / or a large number of objects at the same time.

Show Hud #

The goal of the Placement Tool HUD is to give some feedback while using the Placement Tool.

During your operations with the tool, it will give information about the status of the tool, the current selection and the target object (when using the Move mode).

Whenever there is multiple objects selected, the Selection field will return the last object selected since it will be the driver object for some functions such as Straight Line and Retain Spacing.

You can enable or disable the Placement Tool HUD through the Placement Tool settings menu.

Retain Spacing #

When Retain Spacing is activated, all the selected object(s) will keep their position and orientation offset according to the last selected object.

  • You can enable / disable Retain Spacing by pressing S on your keyboard or through the Placement Tool settings menu.

Normal Vector #

When using the Move mode, your selected object(s) up vector will be aligned to the normal of another object.

The default Face setting will align the up vector of your object(s) directly to the normal of the target polygon face.

If you are working with soft shapes, you may prefer to align your object to the Surface normal for a smoother alignment.

Step Alignment #

When Step Alignment is activated, the orientation of your selected object(s) will match the orientation of the target face by increment of the entered value.

  • When the tool is in Move mode, you can activate the Step Alignment by pressing J on your keyboard or through the Placement Tool settings menu.

Surface Offset #

When Surface Offset is activated, your selected object(s) position will be offset in the up axis by the number specified.

It is specially useful for working with decals, so it does not overlap with the target surface.

  • You can enable and disable the Surface Offset by pressing O on your keyboard or through the Placement Tool settings menu.

Step Rotation #

When Step Rotation is activated, relative spacing will be maintained while rotating your object(s). The entered value will determine the amount an object is rotated in increments.

When the tool is in Rotate mode, you can activate the Step Rotation by pressing J on your keyboard.

  • Holding Shift will multiply the Step Rotation value by two, holding Control will divide the Step Rotation value by two.