Edit Normals

The Normal Toolkit Edit Normals tab regroups tools for manually adjusting vertex normals on polygon objects.

On the first row, the three text boxes represent the normal vector (X Y Z), to which the normals direction will be set when clicking on the Set Vertex Normal button.

You can either enter values numerically or click on Get Average Normal button to calculate and enter the normal direction from any selected component(s).

Interface Hotkeys

  • Middle Mouse Click: Toggle the current text box value between 1 and -1.

Get Average Normal #

This button returns the normal direction of the selected components as a X, Y, Z vector, which will appear in the three text boxes above the button.

If multiple components are selected, the returned direction will be an averaged direction between the components.

If face(s) is/are selected, it will return the face normal direction. For any other components, the selection is converted to vertex and vertex normal direction is returned.

Set Vertex Normal #

This button will set the vertex normal of the selected component(s) to the normal direction currently set in the three text boxes above the button. Works with any component types.

Normalize #

Clicking this button will check the current text boxes values and set them to unit length (normalizes them) if they are out of normalized range. The unit length of a normal is calculated by the point offset from the vertex. Useful after entering values numerically to make sure the values are normalized.

Reset #

Reset the text boxes to the default value of 1, 0, 0 (X, Y, Z).