Multi Extract Faces

The Multi Extract Faces tool is an improved version of Maya’s native Edit Mesh Extract Faces. Your faces will be extracted without leaving traces behind like empty groups. Unlike Maya’s native Extract Faces, it can extract faces of multiple objects at the same time. Also, your object’s transformations and normals will be kept intact.

Improved faces extraction

The Multi Extract Faces keeps your scene clean unlike Maya’s native Extract Faces that creates empty groups. Also, object transformations and normals are kept intact.

Tool location #

The tool can be found in the GENtools menu under Edit Mesh → Multi Extract Faces.

How to use #

  • Select faces components that you wish to extract.
  • Set the desired settings in the Multi Extract Faces options window.
  • Run the Multi Extract Faces function and all the selected faces will be extracted from the object.

Assigning a hotkey #

You can assign a hotkey to the Multi Extract Faces tool inside the Maya hotkey editor.

The hotkey entry can be found in the Custom Scripts tab under GENtools → Edit Mesh → Multi Extract Faces.

  • Take a look at the Managing hotkeys page for more informations and step-by-step instructions.

Tool settings #

  • Center Pivot: Automatically center the pivot position on extracted faces.
  • Lock Normals: Locks the perimeter vertex normals before extracting faces so normals on soft edges are kept intact.