Multi Cut Plane Tool

The Multi Cut Plane Tool allows to create planar cuts on polygon meshes and to modify them interactively. It can cut multiple objects or components at the same time.

Interactive planar cuts

Create planar cuts on your objects, and modify them interactively in the viewport.

Tool location #

The tool can be found in the GENtools menu under Mesh Tools → Multi Cut Plane Tool.

How to use #

  • Select at least one object or component.
  • Run the Multi Cut Plane Tool function by clicking on one of the available axis.
  • Modify the planar cut position and rotation with the manipulator as you wish.
  • If you wish to delete the faces beyond the cut, you can turn on Delete Faces in the attributes settings. You can change the delete direction by turning on the Invert setting.

Assigning a hotkey #

You can assign a hotkey to the Multi Cut Plane Tool inside the Maya hotkey editor.

The hotkey entry can be found in the Custom Scripts tab under GENtools → Mesh Tools → Multi Cut Plane Tool.