Tool Settings

The Move To Closest Vertices Options provides a few settings to customize how the tool is searching for vertices and how it operate the transformations on the vertices.

Move To Closest Vertex Settings

  • Method:
  • Source/Target: Move the selected components vertices to the closest vertices in a predefined set of vertices.
  • Closest Vertices: Move the selected components vertices to the closest vertices found in the scene.
  • Distance: The maximum search distance defined in your scene units.
  • Merges vertices after moving: When the source and target vertex share the same object and this checkbox is checked, the vertices will be merged together.
  • Preserve UVs: Automatically apply the vertex relative transformation to the UV space.
  • Include curve CVs: The tool will work with curve CVs when enabled.
  • Search mode:
  • Surface: Set a local surface search falloff
  • Volume: Set a local volume search falloff
  • Global: Set a global search falloff

Edit Menu

  • Suspend viewport refresh: Enable or disable real-time update of the vertices transformations in the viewport. (Disabling this can slowdown the process)
  • In-view messages: Enable or disable the in-view messages from the tool.