Startup Settings

Some tools requires to load / override files or run startup functions before they are ready to be used. If you want to load these on startup instead of loading them each time on the first use, you can enable that through the Startup Settings in the GENtools menu. By default, everything is turned off.

The startup settings can also be modified outside of Maya by editing the GENtools config file.

Startup Settings Window #

To enable a tool to automatically load on Maya startup, simply check the box next to the item inside the Startup Settings window. Next time you launch Maya, it will load automatically on startup instead of loading the first time you use the tool.

To get more informations on what has to load before the first use, you can press on the info icons next to an item. You will be redirected to the right documentation entry.

Files Overrides #

Some tools needs to overrides native Maya files to function properly. Tools that have files overrides will appear in the Startup Settings window.

Of course that means that if you have another script or tool that also overrides the same files, it could cause conflicts. If you ever encounter a conflict, you can contact us here and we will look at making a compatibility fix.

You can get informations about what files is overriden by looking in the documentation of the tool. You can also click on the info icons next to an item in the Startup Settings window, and you will be redirected to the right documentation entry.

Config File #

Some GENtools settings can be customized including the GENtools Startup Settings by editing the config.ini file located inside the GENtools folder at the path below.


You can open the config.ini file with any text editor, and can change any values as you desire.

SettingDescriptionAccepted Values
CreateMenuCreate or not the GENtools Menu on Maya startup.True / False
CreateOverridesCreate or not the GENtools files overrides on Maya startup.True / False
CurveToPolygonsEnable Curve To Polygons on Maya startup.True / False
NonDestructiveBevelEnable Non-Destructive Bevel on Maya startup. True / False
NormalToolkitEnable Normal Toolkit on Maya startup. True / False
PlacementToolEnable Placement Tool on Maya startup.True / False
PreserveUVsHUDEnable Preserve UVs Hud on Maya startup.True / False