The Select submenu contains tools related to selection.

Select Empty Groups #

Selects all the empty groups in the selection or in the entire scene.

  • Search Scope: Set the search scope to Selection or to the Whole scene.
  • Recursive: Also selects groups that only contains empty groups.

Select Border Edges #

Selects all the border edges of the current selected objects. If components are selected, selects the contained border edges only.

Select UV Border Edges #

Selects all the UV border edges of the current selected objects. If components are selected, selects the contained UV border edges only.

Select Every N-Edge #

Selects an edge loop or edge ring spaced by the selection pattern. Needs to select exactly two edges.

Select Every N-Edge Ring #

Selects an edge ring spaced by the selection pattern. If only one edge is selected, it is spaced by one edge by default.

Select Every N-Edge Loop #

Selects an edge loop spaced by the selection pattern. If only one edge is selected, it is spaced by one edge by default.

Toggle Auto Camera-Based Selection #

Toggles Automatic Camera-Based Selection on/off.