Mesh Display

The Mesh Display submenu contains tools for managing the appearance of polygon meshes.

Toggle Display Colors #

Toggles the vertex color display on the selected objects on/off.

Force Display Colors On #

Show the vertex color display on the selected objects.

Force Display Colors Off #

Hide the vertex color display on the selected objects.

Set Display Color Channel None #

Set the Display Color Channel on the selected objects to None.

Set Display Color Channel Ambient #

Set the Display Color Channel on the selected objects to Ambient.

Set Display Color Channel Diffuse #

Set the Display Color Channel on the selected objects to Diffuse.

Toggle Double Sided #

Toggles Double Sided faces on the selected objects on/off.

Force Double Sided On #

Set Double Sided faces on the selected objects to on.

Force Double Sided Off #

Set Double Sided faces on the selected objects to off.

Toggle Face Centers #

Toggle Display Center on faces on all the visible objects on screen on/off.