Multi Transform

The Multi Transform tool is an improved version of Maya’s native Edit Mesh Transform. Unlike Maya’s native Transform, the created transform node will be synced across all your selected objects so you don’t have to move each manipulator individually.

Transform multiple objects

The Multi Transform allows to transform the components on multiple objects simultaneously.

Tool location #

The tool can be found in the GENtools menu under Edit Mesh → Multi Transform.

How to use #

  • Select any components that you wish to modify.
  • Run the Multi Transform function.
  • Move the transform manipulator or change the parameters from the channel box as you wish.

Assigning a hotkey #

You can assign a hotkey to the Multi Transform tool inside the Maya hotkey editor.

The hotkey entry can be found in the Custom Scripts tab under GENtools → Edit Mesh → Multi Transform.

  • Take a look at the Managing hotkeys page for more informations and step-by-step instructions.