If your bevels are already done on your object, you can use the Process Normals to weight your vertex normals correctly. All you have to do is to add to the Normal Toolkit Selection Sets all the faces that should not have any influence on the normals alignment (generally, it would be the bevel faces).
You can customize a few settings for the Process Normals through the Process Normals Options window.
If for any reasons you wish to use the legacy Process Normals which works without the Normal Toolkit plugin, it is still available in the Process Normals Options by unchecking Use Improved Process.
This option allows to create weighted bevels without needing extra supporting faces.
When enabled, after processing your object’s normals, the tool will check for any hard edges between two bevel faces from the Selection Sets. When a hard edge is found, it will orient the vertex normals of the edge as opposite vectors thus giving a nice seam look to your inseted bevels.
When processing the normals of your objects, your object current Vertex Normal Method have an influence on the outcome of the weighted normals. If you wish, you can tell the tool to ignore the object’s Vertex Normal Method and it will act as if it was set to Unweighted.
For objects that are entirely composed of soft edges, you would generally want to set the Vertex Normal Method to Unweighted (or enable the override) so that the vertex normals are strictly managed by the Process Normals function.
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